Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Be careful what you pray for

At the beginning of this month I wrote a post about challenging ourselves over this next month. About starting the New Year now, and not waiting any longer to make things happen.

Here I'll quote something I wrote in that post

" Where do you start? I'll tell you what I do. I go to God in prayer FIRST, before every major decision. I know He has my best interest in mind. One of those changes I want to make, is to make my time with God a priority"

so over the past month I did my best to make God a priority, but I have to say that according to me I miserably failed. I didn't dedicate as much time as I would have liked, and time seems to go by faster and faster with each passing day. However, I did pray (a lot) about my business and what direction I should take. I can honestly say that I have been more confused than ever this past month when it's come to my business and making major decisions. I prayed for God to bring me opportunities where I could help others. Neither of these things seemed to be happening.

I started to feel a little bit annoyed and inpatient with God's timing for answers. Some things I had counted on fell through, and I found myself feeling as though the month of March was not the " New Year" experience I was hoping for. Over the past 2 weeks I started to have a little more clarity and vision, and felt as though there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Yet, I still felt as though my opportunities were few, and my inspiration unclear.

That was until today. It took God until the very last day of the month to answer my prayer, but today He showed me in a great way how important it is for me to trust in Him no matter what. I'll try to recap quickly.

I walked out of the pharmacy today and had a young lady approach me and ask which direciton I was headed. I told her, and then asked where she needed to go. She said her aunt was in the hospital and she had no way to get there. The hospital she needed to go to was about a 25min drive away. My initial instinct was " Annette, you don't have time, it's such a long way away, she could be dangerous"
I'm ashamed I even thought that. I volunteered to take her. Never in my life have I had a complete stranger in my car. Yes, to some this sounds crazy and not smart on my part, but something told me I should. When God tugs at your heart don't hesitate. He is the greatest protection you'll ever need.

the next 25 min I listened to her life story and realized how fortunate and blessed I have been. We can get to caught up and not realize we have SOO much to be grateful for. All I can say in " Wow" God humbled me in a big way today. I dropped her off and got her e-mail and contact info. I plan on keeping in contact with her and helping in whichever way God allows me to.

Today I felt as though I was able to help someone and be humbled in the process. That was huge for me. To make it even more exciting I got good news upon good news today regarding my business. From being featured in a magazine to being asked to be a part of 2 major shoots, I could not be more excited! God opened the floodgates of opportunity on the very last day of the month. I could not be more grateful and inspired.

So I end this long post by saying be careful what you pray for. If you want God to open doors, He will. If you want Him to bring you amazing opportunities you never thought were possible, He will. Be ready for when the blessings start flowing, you won't know what to do with yourself. Be prepared for amazing things to happen!

I go to bed now more determined than ever to continue my New Year plan for the month of April. I encourage you to do the same. Aim big, reach high, God will bless...when you least expect it.


1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Annette! So true. Thank you for sharing!
