I surprised my family by flying home for Mothers Day ( video soon to come) I had not seen my family since November of last year. That's way too long! I don't think we've ever gone so long without seeing each other. My family ( which consists of my dad, mom, and grandma) live in Missouri. That's where I was born and raised. It's been a blast being home for a day. My grandma's food is AWESOME ( that's an understatement) and it's always fun to sleep in my old room, look up and see my glow in the dark stars, and reminisce.
Since It's mother day I thought It would be nice to do a post on my mom. She is such a strong woman who has gone through a lot in life and been resilient about it. Born and raised in Cuba, she witnessed her country change in a day by communism. She dealt with my dad being in a concentration camp for 3 years during their engagement. Lived on nearly nothing, and yet learned to thrive. Came to United States in 1980 with nothing except the clothes on her back. Learned to speak English and make a life for herself. My parents were married 13 years before they had me, so I came as a surprise.
I think what I can say I have my mom to thank for most is for always representing Christ to me, and for being a God fearing woman. Ever since birth she instilled a love for God in my heart. I learned to trust Him because I heard so many stories growing up of how He always brought my parents through trial. My mom unselfishly stayed home when I was younger and put her own career dreams on hold to home school me and teach me. Those growing up years with my family at home everyday will always be a fond memory in my heart.
My mom has always gone the extra mile for me. Altough we've shared our differences during my growing up years, she has always been my support. I can't thank her enough for what she has given me.
To all mom's reading this I want to say Happy Mothers Day. What you do is such an amazing thing. I pray God continues to bless you in a big way. To all those mom's out there that are raising your kids, working, and trying to follow your dream, I admire you. Words can't describe how awesome you are.
I hope to be a mom one day. I actually look forward to it. I can only pray I do half as good as my mom did with me. So on this mothers day I want to say "Thank you" to my mom. For teaching me, loving me, and always praying for me. I love you!
Teclitica ( what my mom calls me)
Happy Mothers Day
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